Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Itulah Cinta !

Tuhan memberikan kita dua kaki untuk berjalan, dua tangan untuk memegang, dua telinga untuk mendengar dan dua mata untuk melihat. Tetapi mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan sekeping hati pada kita ? Karena Tuhan telah memberikan sekeping lagi hati pada seseorang untuk kita mencarinya. Itulah Cinta …

Manusia tempatnya salah…
Tapi haruskah ku menyalahkanmu ?
atau menyalahkan hatiku sendiri
Yang tetap bertahan meski engkau pergi
Disini sepi… sayangku…
Tapi aku tak menangisi kepergianmu
Hatiku sunyi… sungguh sunyi…
Tanpa manis kata manjamu
Aku takkan menyalahkan siapa-siapa
Menunggumu ku takkan merasa sia-sia
Jika perpisahan itu adalah kejujuran hatimu
Biarkan puisi ini menjadi puisi penantianku


Bayangannya ...
tak pernah hilang dari fikiranku ....
wajahnya selalu menghantuiku ....
jantungku berdegup kencang .....
saat mengingatnya ...
apakah ini yang di sebut dengan rindu ...

Im Confused !!!


 Hamish or Mark ?? O.o

Im cofused !!.

ARRGH !! I will never ever choose both of them ,, not that im choosing ,, but both of them same schl as me , and both of them noe each other well .. I dunn want because of me they break their Friendship ..
Hmm ,, Cause im still new in Balestier ,, Hmm ..

 And this is for them :

To Hamish : Im sorry for not accpting yuh ,, I just dun have any feeling for yuh , And yuh shud noe this I
hate ur attitude ,, Hamish im sorry ,, I hope 1 day yuh will get a better ghurl than me .. I think yuh shud go to Chintra and tell her the truth that yuh like her  .. Cause Im not for yuh .. !! :)

To Mark : Im sorry too ,, Thnx fer the mcg that yuh send it to me ,, Its so Woah !!
Hmm ,, Maafkaan Tasha lau Tasha saket kaan hati Mark ..
Im not choosing as yuh said ,, Im loving someone else ..Mark im not like dat ,, I just can't accpt yuh ..
Hmm ,, Thnx fer liking me ,, I appreciate it ,,If yuh think yuh waste time on me , just go , i never force yuh ,, i noe that yuh sincere . i noe yuh hve been nice to me ,, But i dun take an anvantage of yuh ..
Hmm ,, Mark I appreciate the mcg yesterday ,, THANK YOUH SO MUCH !! :)
To Both of yuh : Im not a type of ghurl yuh think , Im not a choosing ghurl , I just love my guy ..
I duuno why i can't believe yuh guys except my guy who in Prison ryte now ..
If both of yuh read this , Im wanna said sorry if im Wrong ..
I just can't accept both of yuh ,, im sorry for hurting yuh guys ..
Only on this blog i can let out my feeling ..
And Thanks youh so much what yuh had done to me ...
Bye Guys ..!! 
Yesterdae , around 2:51am , i otp with Ess ,
Haha !! After that we chat each other on FB and by mcging ..
Lol ..He make me laugh and make me smile ..
Now i mcging with hym ..
Haha !! ,, I dun believe siyaa he 19 ..
Haha !! Lol ..
Loya buruk seii diy ..Hmmph ..
Smlm Tasha ckap nan diy yng suare diy taak terang , adr diy ckap pkai lampu ..
Hmm , Ess , ess !! Haha ..
Kaay laa ..
Niy jeh pasal Ess , 
Kkehs ,, Bye ,, Eheh !! Wait2 !! We are just friends aye ,,Haha !! Not more then that Readers ..
Bye Readers !
Hey Readers ,
Just finish makeup ,,
Wanna go for work later ..
Hmm ,, Kindly now listen to my grandma NAGG2 ,, Its was so IRRITE !!
Arrgh !!
Shout2 ! Dunno what happen to her in a sudden .

Now is 5:15 .
Going out soon ..
Hmmph !! Kinda bored ryte now ,,
Hmm .oKayy then ,, Till here ..
Post again when imma free aye ,,
Bye ,, !! 
Takecare Readers .

Post again , when imma free ..
Need to help mom , then get ready for work ..
Bye !!

A sudden of missing hym

 Hey Readers . In a sudden i miss my CHIKO ..
I miss being with hym..youh light my day. Youh even make me smile . Although i make youh angry. Youh would always tried to treat me well . Now, when ur not beside me and i don't have anyone else. I kept on thinking abt what i had done to youh . Youh changed my life. i thanks to youh for feel the loves. Who had realised the mistakes that he had done. all this while. i know now you loves me !!
Bby why must youh leave me alone here ,, whye must i feel the pain .. Bby ,, i will wait for youh no matter how long ..
I dunno why i can't accpt or believe other guys then youh , im confusing ..
Im trying to move on with others people , but i can't ..
In my heart its always youh ..
Bbby , ur mcg youh sent me before , youh gg in ,, I still keep it ..
BBY ,, maybe my loves is only for youh ..
Taa[SHA]rul always in my heart ..
I hope youh tooo ..
That all Readers  !!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hey Readers ,,
Im going to work now ,,
Takecare Readers , bye !
Love yaa ,,
Bye Readers ,, Bye Blog ..
I will post again aye ..
Bye !!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Done By Arab Boy ,, Specially For Tasha ,, ( Thats Me ! ),, Haha !

Sorry it means
S - some
O - one
R - really
R - remembering
Y - you
Cool Right !!
Its from Arab Boy Said To me !!
Aww !! So sweet of hym ,, Haha ..

For Yuh Bby ,, 31/10/10

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart. All my dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You! You are the sunshine of my life! Thanks for brightening my world with the warmth of your Love... You are the fire that burns the passion within my soul. I love You with all my heart... I want to be your arms, I want to feel your touch, I want your lips on mine, I need you very much.
You may never know how important you are to me or how much I care for you, but you are and you will always be. Bear in mind that I couldnt afford to lose someone I've learned to care about so much.
You are my passion, my life, my love. Without you I would have no reason to live. All the stars in the universe could not replace what we have together. I thank you for the love we have and your gentleness. Never forget me, as I will never forget you.
I love you, not because of what you have but because of what I feels.. I care for you, not because you need care but because I want to.. I'm always here for you, not because i wan't you to be with me but because i want to be with you..
Here's my love, take it. Here's my soul, use it. Here's my heart, don't break it. Here's my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

And now yuh leave me , Hmm ,, Darling , ii promised if our love is truthfully , Insyaallah , I will wait for yuh ,, 3yrs are long ,,
Bby why must yuh leave me , and why must yuh go there ,, Hmm ,, What do you do ryte now , What you eat there ,, Bby ,, i will sent a LETTER for yuh 1 day ..
Bby how i wish yuh beside me now ,,
BBY  ,, I love yuh ,, But , i have to move on my life ,,
I will not forget yuh dear ..
Heyy  Readers 
 ,, I just came back home ,, and now im watching ,, Hmm ,,
Just now ,, We having a family nites karaoke ,,
Great family outing todayy ..
Its was so fun !!
I love today nytes ,, todays nites is GREAT ..
I love yuh Mummy And Daddy ..
I will upload the pictures soon ,,

And now , im chatting with Muhd Sumait , Muhammad Fazil , And Faeezza , My bestfriend in secondary schl ..
Miss her so much ,, atlast contact her again ..
Okayy laa ,, I wanna see tevee ,,
Okayy Bye Readers !!
Love yaa very much .. :)
Tasha <3 ????
Hahha !!
Tataatata !!

Chatting with new Friend

Heyy , Readers .
Now im chatting with Muhd Sumait ,,
I know hym from Facebook , He's none malay , chinese nor Indian , He's Arabian Mix ,'That what he tell me ,
Haha !! Im chatt with hym going to 1 week ,, Haha !!!
He's look like indian , but he's not .
Wanna noe what we talk today , Haha !!
Hmm , Okaay ,, He said that he interested in me , Haha !! I myself dunno why ..Hmm ..
He very funny , he kept making me SMILE even though we always chat in Facebook ..
Hmm ..He so sweet ..Haha !! He can't wait to see my blog ..Hmm .Should i let hym read ..
Lol .. Okayy then ..Hey ..Haha !! If yuh read his , Wat will yuh do ?? Haha !!
This is what he said to me I Dunn how com suddenly , I'm interested in u . I'm Trying my best to know
So maybe 1day .I get a chance to be with u . I can steel Ur pic . Not now , Soon . Lol ,, When I like u , Den I will take Ur pic
, Haha ,,( Haha , Ouhh No !! Dunn take my pic , Please ! Hmm , For now we just be friend aites . I dunn wanna think bout love anymore ..Hmmph !! )

Hmm , To honest ,, Im comfused ,, ahakxx ..
Hmm .. I just noe Hym ,, But seem to noe more about me ,, WOW !! Haha !!
Hmm ,, He the 5 guy that interested on me ,, But for me ,,
For now , Im tired to talk about love ..
Hmm , Im so pissed of about relationship ..Hmm..
Im hope Yuh would understand me , If yuh do understand me ,, I appreciate it so much ..
Thanks ,,
Love yaaa Readers ..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Haluu ,,

Haluu ,, Heii , Hello , Heylo ,,

Skrng niy Tasha ngah tengok cryter BINTANG ,, Hmm , Jap agi keje seii , Penat !!
Hmm , Smlm gi Karoke , BEST !! Nan Makngah and Family , Kecoh seii ,
Sempat kter celebrate Bufdae Rah and Din ..Hehs !!

Skrng niy tengah ajar makngah buad blog , Haha !!
Irhwan taak fham2 seii , Klakar seii dorng ,,
Hmm ,, sementare tnggu makngah kol alek , Baek Sha post dulu ,,
Hmm , sbb jap agi keje ,, so maen lappy dulu laa ...
Hmm ..
Lmbt nyer makngah kol .
Haha !!
Ishq ,, !! Lagi 2 hari Result kluarr ,, SERAM ! haahaa !! .
Hmm ..
Boring seii , Ibu naak pki lappy lgi ,, Aperdaa !!
Eheh !! Makngah niy ,, Lmbt nyer ..
Lagu kart Tevee , mepek seii ,,
Hmm , Kkehs laa ,, nnty mlam lau taak penat Tasha post laa ,, Kkehs ,,
Ai , Makngah cpat laa skit ,, Hmm ,, Ibu naak pakai nniy ,, Lau saya anuh kaan , Daa ahbesh daa ,,
Haaha !! .. Hmm ..
Byebye !! ove yuh .
Saya tnggu Makngah ,Taakmuh Lmbt2 ..
Cptin Dong ..
Aiyoyoyyoyo ,, HAHA !!
Love yaa very Much .. ! <3

Guess What ,, I cabot from Work .

Heyy ,, i post again ..
Hhaha , Naak tahwuuhk aper taak ,, 
Ayah suro cabut keje niari ,, sbb naak gi Karaoke nyer pasal ,, Haha ,
Ckap nan Boss , nnek saket ,, Haha , PENIPU siyaa Tasha ,,
Kkehs laa ,, Jap lagi post lagii ,, WANI naak pkai ,,
BYYE ,, ..

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hey , Im Back !!

Hey Ppls , Kinda miss her so much ,,
I miss Yuyun Astro ,,
My awesome Hunnie , bestie , she's everything .
Haha !! MISS HER LAA ..

Hmm , hope to see her soon ..
I miss her so so so Much .
Its going to 3wks never see her , even though she just live Behind my block .
Hmmph !! Yuyun , I miss Youh ,,
Kinda bz with my work , so i cant meet her ,like usual .
Cannot Lepaaq with her .
Hmm ,,
Now im watching Ella show ,,
Hmm ,, Now im listening to My fav song ,,
Haiyoyo !! I miss my Chiko too ..
And guess what ,, Hyrul keep calling me ,, Haha !! I duuno why ..
hey ,, Hyrul sorry fer not Answering ur called just now ..
Hmm , i cant answer it ,, Haha !! Coz my Parents nnty Disturb2 ,, Haha !!
Okayy laa ,, Tasha gtg ,, wanna take rest ,
So tired ,, Tommorow lau adr tyme ,, I post again laa ,, KkehS !! ..
Hehs !!
Tatatatatutututututttititi !! :)
Love all of yuh <3
Heyy Guys ,, 
Im bored here .
Kinda now im Watching teevee with my Mom and Grandma ,
We are watching a malay drama Wasiat Anak Dara , haha !
The drama was so funny , thres funny and sad moments ,
Its about 4 siblings which all girls ,, ahaakxx !! Always fighting among each other .
Like me and my sister , we always fight when we see each other .
Haha !! Lol ..!! FUNNY !! Haha !!
Its fun see 4 of them smile , laugh and Happy together .
Haha !!
Okay then  , i wanna see the Drama ..Takecare ..
Love yaa ..!!
Post again whem imma free ..
BYE !!

Its so meaningful

Heyy , Ni lagu Azie Kau Tetap Dalam Anganku
Lagu diy niy adr maksod .Sediy tawk lagu niy .
Selalu naak tyto Tasha dngr lagu niy dulu ..
Tasha ngah naak memorise lagu niy .
Haha .. I love this song so much !!
Its so Meaningful to me ..!! :)

Sekilas ku teringat 
Detik-detik yang lepas 
Indahnya perkasihan 
Semacam ku rasakan 
Tak sanggup rasanya 
Sesaat ditinggalkan 

Dan seboleh-bolehnya 
Ku ingin mengikutmu 
Walau ke lurah dalam 
Aku sanggup terluka 
Demi kerana sayang 
Apa jua kurela 
Jiwa dan raga 

Engkau saja yang sentiasa 
Bermain di fikiran 
Tiap masa dan ketika 
Tak terlintas di hati ini 
Untuk curang kepadamu 
Oh kekasih 

Aku berharap pendirian engkau juga 
Sama-sama pertahankan kebahagiaan 
Walau diacu belati tajam mengugutku 
Cinta aku kasih aku tetap untukmu 
Sampai ke mati 
Hanya itu mampu ku beri 

Tersentak lamunan 
Bila diri ini disentuh 
Oleh seseorang 
Ku cuba damaikan 
Hati yang kian berkocak 
Agar perasaan sedihku ini 
Tidak nampak 

Di pusara ini 
Ku sedia berdiri 
Bersama doa-doa 
Tak putus kuhulurkan 
Itulah tanda kasih... kasih 
Kasih yang sebenar 

Wajah dan senyumanmu 
Sentiasa kuangankan 
Aduhai sayang oh...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Heyy ,,
Post again later ..when imma free ..
I wanna take a bath  after that going to Work later on ,,
Hmmph ,, kinda bz nowadays
Tottaly miss hym again ..
Okayy then , i have to go ..wanna bath ..
BYE !! ,, 

Love you guys so MUCHIE !!
                                                                           Cody Simpson
                                                                          You're Hot
                                                                              I LOVE YOU !!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Heyy , sorry fer not posting a few days ago , kinda bz with work ..
Hmm ,, i can't sleep ,, That thing keep disturbing me ..
I hate it ,, Ouhh man ,, I keep yawning and yawning , *Yawn*
I feel so sleepy but i REALLY can't sleep ,, Hmmph !!
Arggh !! Feel so stressfull ..Hmmph !! ..
I dunno what to do ,, Haisxx ,, ..

What should i do ??
Hmmph !! ..
I wanna SLEEP !!
And this Furah keep open my bedroom ,, So irritate ,,
Hmmph ,, Okayy then ,, untill here then ,, I wanna sleep ,, !! 
Feel so IRRITATE !!

I wanna tell yuh guys something ,, Hmm ,, I will post and share wif all of yuh , when imma free ,, aye ??!
Heys,, i gtg now ,, see yaa soon ..
Bye ,, Morning !! And have a good journey when you outside ..
Takecare ..

Steady Boh !!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Stupid Umaar !!





Hahaaa ,, 
Yesterday My brother , Yat and hys friends , Yayah , Dann and Umaar , They take their N-Level Result ,,
They have pass their N-Level ..
Feel proud of them ..

And then Yesterday Umaar mcg me ,
Conversation :
Umaar : Aku pass siol , sekotak rokok jngn lupa ..Haha 
Me : Haha , Tuntut nmpak ..:P
Umaar : Mistii uhh ..haha ..
Me : Hmm ,, yerlaaa ..tunjuk ahqu kao nyer result dulu .
Umaar : Okayy ,, NP ..hahaa .

Around 8.00pm , he came to our workplace , he show me hys result ..
Haha ,, Kecoh paa !! ahaakxx ,,
Terpaksa ahqu beli ..
Lol .. suker siuul diy ,, haha ,, 
Tiba2 smlm diy salam ahqu ..suroh ahqu cium tangan diy .
Haha ,, siyaa jeh ,, padaahaal ahqu nan diy . ahqu tua sikit ..
Haha ..
Umaar , umaar ..
Lol ..Kiyyuut siyaa Umaar ..!! :P

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chiko Last Message

3 tahun seii „ bkan 3 hrii , bkan 3 bulan „ But 3 TAHUN !!!
Ouhh No !!! Im going to miss hym Badly ..Tasha terkejot seii „ hmm „ wattheheck „ going to two weeks didnt see hym „ he sms me the last mcg on 22/11/10  : Sorry if i ever make youh cry , sorry if im nt by eur side , sorry for being so stupid , sorry for to make youh share this pain , sorry for nt there wif youh , sorry for making youh sad , sorry for making youh wait , sorry for rejected yr calls , sorry to take youh there but im going away from youh , Take this as im going off to NY , And youh will see me when youh are asleep , bby smile always „ eur smile will always in my heart , me too …..other way my soul will filled in the empty space so youh can feel it ..and if youh miss me „ listen to this song MUNGKIN SILAPKU , AND KEEP THIS MCG , Bby love youh and takecare „..

Hmm ,, Kept thinking of hym .

My tears keep rolling ,, and my mind keep thinking of hym , every secs ,, every minutes ,, every hours .
I feel so HURT and SAD ,, !! I didn 't expect that he will leave me alone ,, He leave me not as in Break Off ,,
He going to PRISON ,, Hmm ,, Why must he the one leave me here ..Hmm ,, I feel so depressed ,, Hmmph ..
But why must you DEAR ,, I know i hurt you a few times ..
But i reallie love you ,, and i don't want to be far from you ..
Hmmph .!! 

Bhhy ,, I love youh ,, Insyaallah ..I will wait for you ..
3yrs are quite long ,, Bhhy ,, i will going to sent you a letter soon ..
insyaallah ,, KkkeHss ,, !! BBby ahqu ryndu kamu banget .. !!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Today , Hidayat , Hidayah , Danniel and Umaar ..AND SOME OTHERS SEC 4 .. : D
Taking their N-Levelresult .
Hmm ,, Agak2 dorng Pass taakk ??,,
Isyaallah ..AMIN !!
Should be ..
Hmm ..
How i wish i could take again ..
Cause i hate my Course ,, Hmmphh !!
Hope they will succeed with their result ..

Heyy Guys ,, Hope you will get a good result ,, WITH FLYING COLOURS .. !!

Ryndu ryndu seryndu ryndunya

Tasha ryndu NENEK ,, Tasha tyto sorng lagii ..
Hmmph ..
Tasha ryndu YUYUN !!
hehehee ..!!
Tasha niy buang tebiat laa ..
Hahahaa .. !!! 
Bye !!
Sibok jeh Ibuu ,, Nakk pki lappy ..
KEHHS laaa ..
Tatataa ,, Chak !! Chak !! Chak !! ..
BroooOoooooOooOOOoom !!!!!!! ..

Hmm ,, Ouhh No !! What tyme now !! I can' sleep ..

Haiyoyoyoyo !! 
Daa kul braperyh niy ,, Taak leii tyto ..
Daa kul 4.30am seii ..
Hmm ..Makan ubat tyto poun taak leii tyto ..
Aper laa , Tasha buad smpii orng antar bende kart Tasha ,, 
Kenaper miistii orng khianat Tasha ..Hmmph .
Tlng laa ,, Lau Tasha adr buad salaahh kartt siyapherr2 ,, Tlng maafkaann Tashaa ..Tlng laa ..
Tasha mohon .. Tasha daa taak kuat lagii hadapi niy semua tiap2 malam..
Tlng laa ..Tasha yng rasa saket ,, 
Tlng laa ,, jngn laa antar2 bende niy ..Lau taakk sukerr tlng laa ckap dpan2 ,, jngn naak maen belakang niy semua ,, jngn buad keje IBLIS niy ..

Kepada orng2 yng antar bende niy ,, tlng laa tarik balek bende niy semua ..
Tasha daa taakk tahan naakk hadapi niy semua ,, Tlng laa ,, pasal bende niy ,, Tasha daa mula susaahh naakk tyto ..
Jngn laa bende touh ggu Tasha ,,, Tasha rasa panas sngt .
Hmmph ..
Ya Allah ,, Tolong laa Hamba mu ini ..
Kalau Tasha adr buad salaahh ,, Maafkaann laa Tasha ,,
Tasha akan maafkann orng yng buad kartt Tashaa ,, Tolong laa ..
Tasha daa mula rasa Panas niy ,, Tasha tngh gatal ,, Tolong laa jngn merebak kaann kulit2 niy semua ,, Tasha daa taakk TAHAN !!!
TOLONG LAAA !! Jngn buad keje niy ,,
Niy bukan ugama kter ,, niy Syaitan ..
Tolong laa ,, Baek kaann Tasha semula ..
Hmm ..


Hey ,, This is my Ite Friends ,, Dorng KECOH !! Hahaa !!
Kekek siyaa dorng ,, They are fun to mix around ,, PECAH perot Shiyuut kwan nan dorng ..
HAAHAA !! Broom !! Gerek laa seii ..
Hahaa !! They will always beside there for each other ,, if we are having problem ,, they will help yuh ..
One think about them They are very KECOHKECOH !! Hahaa ,, 
I love them very much .. !! ..

Hey my dear friends ,, Thnx fer being my good friends .
All of yuh are very sweet ..I loike !! Hahaa !!! ..

Tasha love all of you very muchie ..
Hahaaa !! ..

Tata ,, Continue later aites ..

Bye .... BRoooooOoooooooMM !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Haisxxx ,,


Asyik Hujan jeh ..
Ahqu ryndu banget sihh sama chiko ,, Ya ampun ,,
Agaknyer aper laa diy buad sekarang ..
Hmmph ,, aper laa diy mkan kart sana .
Haisxx ,,
Hyrul ,, Sorry laa lau Tasha ,, Takk Percaya ,, Tasha lom sedia laa .
Hmph !!
Kayy laa ..
Niy jeh ,, Tasha daa lmbt niy ..
BROOMMM !! HUH ?? Daa kul 5.55pm ..
Aper daa ,, Keje start kul 6..Lom kluar lagi ..
Hahaaaa ..
Taataaatattataaa !!!
I miss youh bby ... :x

About Me

Now the time in Singapore is 4.53pm . And the time in Australia is 7.55pm ..
Wow !! ..
Hahaa .. !!

About Tasha ^^ ..
My name is Nurul Natasha Binte Ikhsan , asknown as TASHA and Nurul .
I’m a 18 year old , Female, born in a tiny island called Singapore, located 1.5 degrees above the equator in the South China Seas .. hahaa .. Maybe.. I think s o ..LOL ..
I am very interest about english language but i can't speak english well .. :)
Im believe in honest . Imma sensitive ghurl ,, a weak ghurl ,, and Fub to mix around ,,
I like to make people smile ..  :))

My bestie is Nurulhuda ,, I love her very much ,, She's my one and only ..
 Im the eldest around my siblings , i have 3 younger sibling ..
They are very fun and KECOH ,, haha