Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hey , Im Back !!

Hey Ppls , Kinda miss her so much ,,
I miss Yuyun Astro ,,
My awesome Hunnie , bestie , she's everything .
Haha !! MISS HER LAA ..

Hmm , hope to see her soon ..
I miss her so so so Much .
Its going to 3wks never see her , even though she just live Behind my block .
Hmmph !! Yuyun , I miss Youh ,,
Kinda bz with my work , so i cant meet her ,like usual .
Cannot Lepaaq with her .
Hmm ,,
Now im watching Ella show ,,
Hmm ,, Now im listening to My fav song ,,
Haiyoyo !! I miss my Chiko too ..
And guess what ,, Hyrul keep calling me ,, Haha !! I duuno why ..
hey ,, Hyrul sorry fer not Answering ur called just now ..
Hmm , i cant answer it ,, Haha !! Coz my Parents nnty Disturb2 ,, Haha !!
Okayy laa ,, Tasha gtg ,, wanna take rest ,
So tired ,, Tommorow lau adr tyme ,, I post again laa ,, KkehS !! ..
Hehs !!
Tatatatatutututututttititi !! :)
Love all of yuh <3

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