Saturday, December 18, 2010

Stupid Umaar !!





Hahaaa ,, 
Yesterday My brother , Yat and hys friends , Yayah , Dann and Umaar , They take their N-Level Result ,,
They have pass their N-Level ..
Feel proud of them ..

And then Yesterday Umaar mcg me ,
Conversation :
Umaar : Aku pass siol , sekotak rokok jngn lupa ..Haha 
Me : Haha , Tuntut nmpak ..:P
Umaar : Mistii uhh ..haha ..
Me : Hmm ,, yerlaaa ..tunjuk ahqu kao nyer result dulu .
Umaar : Okayy ,, NP ..hahaa .

Around 8.00pm , he came to our workplace , he show me hys result ..
Haha ,, Kecoh paa !! ahaakxx ,,
Terpaksa ahqu beli ..
Lol .. suker siuul diy ,, haha ,, 
Tiba2 smlm diy salam ahqu ..suroh ahqu cium tangan diy .
Haha ,, siyaa jeh ,, padaahaal ahqu nan diy . ahqu tua sikit ..
Haha ..
Umaar , umaar ..
Lol ..Kiyyuut siyaa Umaar ..!! :P

Friday, December 17, 2010

Chiko Last Message

3 tahun seii „ bkan 3 hrii , bkan 3 bulan „ But 3 TAHUN !!!
Ouhh No !!! Im going to miss hym Badly ..Tasha terkejot seii „ hmm „ wattheheck „ going to two weeks didnt see hym „ he sms me the last mcg on 22/11/10  : Sorry if i ever make youh cry , sorry if im nt by eur side , sorry for being so stupid , sorry for to make youh share this pain , sorry for nt there wif youh , sorry for making youh sad , sorry for making youh wait , sorry for rejected yr calls , sorry to take youh there but im going away from youh , Take this as im going off to NY , And youh will see me when youh are asleep , bby smile always „ eur smile will always in my heart , me too …..other way my soul will filled in the empty space so youh can feel it ..and if youh miss me „ listen to this song MUNGKIN SILAPKU , AND KEEP THIS MCG , Bby love youh and takecare „..

Hmm ,, Kept thinking of hym .

My tears keep rolling ,, and my mind keep thinking of hym , every secs ,, every minutes ,, every hours .
I feel so HURT and SAD ,, !! I didn 't expect that he will leave me alone ,, He leave me not as in Break Off ,,
He going to PRISON ,, Hmm ,, Why must he the one leave me here ..Hmm ,, I feel so depressed ,, Hmmph ..
But why must you DEAR ,, I know i hurt you a few times ..
But i reallie love you ,, and i don't want to be far from you ..
Hmmph .!! 

Bhhy ,, I love youh ,, Insyaallah ..I will wait for you ..
3yrs are quite long ,, Bhhy ,, i will going to sent you a letter soon ..
insyaallah ,, KkkeHss ,, !! BBby ahqu ryndu kamu banget .. !!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Today , Hidayat , Hidayah , Danniel and Umaar ..AND SOME OTHERS SEC 4 .. : D
Taking their N-Levelresult .
Hmm ,, Agak2 dorng Pass taakk ??,,
Isyaallah ..AMIN !!
Should be ..
Hmm ..
How i wish i could take again ..
Cause i hate my Course ,, Hmmphh !!
Hope they will succeed with their result ..

Heyy Guys ,, Hope you will get a good result ,, WITH FLYING COLOURS .. !!

Ryndu ryndu seryndu ryndunya

Tasha ryndu NENEK ,, Tasha tyto sorng lagii ..
Hmmph ..
Tasha ryndu YUYUN !!
hehehee ..!!
Tasha niy buang tebiat laa ..
Hahahaa .. !!! 
Bye !!
Sibok jeh Ibuu ,, Nakk pki lappy ..
KEHHS laaa ..
Tatataa ,, Chak !! Chak !! Chak !! ..
BroooOoooooOooOOOoom !!!!!!! ..

Hmm ,, Ouhh No !! What tyme now !! I can' sleep ..

Haiyoyoyoyo !! 
Daa kul braperyh niy ,, Taak leii tyto ..
Daa kul 4.30am seii ..
Hmm ..Makan ubat tyto poun taak leii tyto ..
Aper laa , Tasha buad smpii orng antar bende kart Tasha ,, 
Kenaper miistii orng khianat Tasha ..Hmmph .
Tlng laa ,, Lau Tasha adr buad salaahh kartt siyapherr2 ,, Tlng maafkaann Tashaa ..Tlng laa ..
Tasha mohon .. Tasha daa taak kuat lagii hadapi niy semua tiap2 malam..
Tlng laa ..Tasha yng rasa saket ,, 
Tlng laa ,, jngn laa antar2 bende niy ..Lau taakk sukerr tlng laa ckap dpan2 ,, jngn naak maen belakang niy semua ,, jngn buad keje IBLIS niy ..

Kepada orng2 yng antar bende niy ,, tlng laa tarik balek bende niy semua ..
Tasha daa taakk tahan naakk hadapi niy semua ,, Tlng laa ,, pasal bende niy ,, Tasha daa mula susaahh naakk tyto ..
Jngn laa bende touh ggu Tasha ,,, Tasha rasa panas sngt .
Hmmph ..
Ya Allah ,, Tolong laa Hamba mu ini ..
Kalau Tasha adr buad salaahh ,, Maafkaann laa Tasha ,,
Tasha akan maafkann orng yng buad kartt Tashaa ,, Tolong laa ..
Tasha daa mula rasa Panas niy ,, Tasha tngh gatal ,, Tolong laa jngn merebak kaann kulit2 niy semua ,, Tasha daa taakk TAHAN !!!
TOLONG LAAA !! Jngn buad keje niy ,,
Niy bukan ugama kter ,, niy Syaitan ..
Tolong laa ,, Baek kaann Tasha semula ..
Hmm ..


Hey ,, This is my Ite Friends ,, Dorng KECOH !! Hahaa !!
Kekek siyaa dorng ,, They are fun to mix around ,, PECAH perot Shiyuut kwan nan dorng ..
HAAHAA !! Broom !! Gerek laa seii ..
Hahaa !! They will always beside there for each other ,, if we are having problem ,, they will help yuh ..
One think about them They are very KECOHKECOH !! Hahaa ,, 
I love them very much .. !! ..

Hey my dear friends ,, Thnx fer being my good friends .
All of yuh are very sweet ..I loike !! Hahaa !!! ..

Tasha love all of you very muchie ..
Hahaaa !! ..

Tata ,, Continue later aites ..

Bye .... BRoooooOoooooooMM !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Haisxxx ,,


Asyik Hujan jeh ..
Ahqu ryndu banget sihh sama chiko ,, Ya ampun ,,
Agaknyer aper laa diy buad sekarang ..
Hmmph ,, aper laa diy mkan kart sana .
Haisxx ,,
Hyrul ,, Sorry laa lau Tasha ,, Takk Percaya ,, Tasha lom sedia laa .
Hmph !!
Kayy laa ..
Niy jeh ,, Tasha daa lmbt niy ..
BROOMMM !! HUH ?? Daa kul 5.55pm ..
Aper daa ,, Keje start kul 6..Lom kluar lagi ..
Hahaaaa ..
Taataaatattataaa !!!
I miss youh bby ... :x

About Me

Now the time in Singapore is 4.53pm . And the time in Australia is 7.55pm ..
Wow !! ..
Hahaa .. !!

About Tasha ^^ ..
My name is Nurul Natasha Binte Ikhsan , asknown as TASHA and Nurul .
I’m a 18 year old , Female, born in a tiny island called Singapore, located 1.5 degrees above the equator in the South China Seas .. hahaa .. Maybe.. I think s o ..LOL ..
I am very interest about english language but i can't speak english well .. :)
Im believe in honest . Imma sensitive ghurl ,, a weak ghurl ,, and Fub to mix around ,,
I like to make people smile ..  :))

My bestie is Nurulhuda ,, I love her very much ,, She's my one and only ..
 Im the eldest around my siblings , i have 3 younger sibling ..
They are very fun and KECOH ,, haha