Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hey ,, This is my Ite Friends ,, Dorng KECOH !! Hahaa !!
Kekek siyaa dorng ,, They are fun to mix around ,, PECAH perot Shiyuut kwan nan dorng ..
HAAHAA !! Broom !! Gerek laa seii ..
Hahaa !! They will always beside there for each other ,, if we are having problem ,, they will help yuh ..
One think about them They are very KECOHKECOH !! Hahaa ,, 
I love them very much .. !! ..

Hey my dear friends ,, Thnx fer being my good friends .
All of yuh are very sweet ..I loike !! Hahaa !!! ..

Tasha love all of you very muchie ..
Hahaaa !! ..

Tata ,, Continue later aites ..

Bye .... BRoooooOoooooooMM !!!!!!!!!

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