Monday, December 20, 2010


Heyy , sorry fer not posting a few days ago , kinda bz with work ..
Hmm ,, i can't sleep ,, That thing keep disturbing me ..
I hate it ,, Ouhh man ,, I keep yawning and yawning , *Yawn*
I feel so sleepy but i REALLY can't sleep ,, Hmmph !!
Arggh !! Feel so stressfull ..Hmmph !! ..
I dunno what to do ,, Haisxx ,, ..

What should i do ??
Hmmph !! ..
I wanna SLEEP !!
And this Furah keep open my bedroom ,, So irritate ,,
Hmmph ,, Okayy then ,, untill here then ,, I wanna sleep ,, !! 
Feel so IRRITATE !!

I wanna tell yuh guys something ,, Hmm ,, I will post and share wif all of yuh , when imma free ,, aye ??!
Heys,, i gtg now ,, see yaa soon ..
Bye ,, Morning !! And have a good journey when you outside ..
Takecare ..

Steady Boh !!

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