Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Im Confused !!!


 Hamish or Mark ?? O.o

Im cofused !!.

ARRGH !! I will never ever choose both of them ,, not that im choosing ,, but both of them same schl as me , and both of them noe each other well .. I dunn want because of me they break their Friendship ..
Hmm ,, Cause im still new in Balestier ,, Hmm ..

 And this is for them :

To Hamish : Im sorry for not accpting yuh ,, I just dun have any feeling for yuh , And yuh shud noe this I
hate ur attitude ,, Hamish im sorry ,, I hope 1 day yuh will get a better ghurl than me .. I think yuh shud go to Chintra and tell her the truth that yuh like her  .. Cause Im not for yuh .. !! :)

To Mark : Im sorry too ,, Thnx fer the mcg that yuh send it to me ,, Its so Woah !!
Hmm ,, Maafkaan Tasha lau Tasha saket kaan hati Mark ..
Im not choosing as yuh said ,, Im loving someone else ..Mark im not like dat ,, I just can't accpt yuh ..
Hmm ,, Thnx fer liking me ,, I appreciate it ,,If yuh think yuh waste time on me , just go , i never force yuh ,, i noe that yuh sincere . i noe yuh hve been nice to me ,, But i dun take an anvantage of yuh ..
Hmm ,, Mark I appreciate the mcg yesterday ,, THANK YOUH SO MUCH !! :)
To Both of yuh : Im not a type of ghurl yuh think , Im not a choosing ghurl , I just love my guy ..
I duuno why i can't believe yuh guys except my guy who in Prison ryte now ..
If both of yuh read this , Im wanna said sorry if im Wrong ..
I just can't accept both of yuh ,, im sorry for hurting yuh guys ..
Only on this blog i can let out my feeling ..
And Thanks youh so much what yuh had done to me ...
Bye Guys ..!! 

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